Dear Prospective Sponsor,
I am the Treasurer of FIRST Robotics Team #2149 at Central Valley High School. FIRST Robotics is an international robotics competition that challenges students to design, build, and program a custom robot that performs specific challenges. We work together to gain skills in design and engineering during our six-week build season in January and February. As a team we are seeking to form strong relationships with community partners to help us become a formidable opponent this year and in the future. For more information on FIRST, feel free to visit the following website;
FIRST Robotics is an expensive activity to take part in so, as part of our fundraising efforts, we are hoping to secure sponsorship from local companies. Both financial and material assistance would be greatly appreciated, and any financial support would go towards tournament’s entrance fees, robot materials, and travel costs. Benefits of sponsorship include:
- Opportunity to be a mentor
- Opportunity to visit team practice
- Opportunity to have the team present their season accomplishments
- Representation of company on our competition robot
- Representation of company at our competition pit area
- Representation of company at Liberty Lake Days 2016
- Representation of company at the Advanced Manufacturing Expo 2016
- Representation of company at Valleyfest 2016
Additionally you are invited to our regional competition events which are listed below. We are ecstatic about competing this year and would love to have your company’s support behind us. Please consider sponsoring Team #2149 as we enter our seventh season. For additional details, please contact our coach, Ron Beard, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, you can email me directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for your consideration.
Scot Frazer (Treasurer)
CV Bearbots
FRC Spokane Region District Event:
Location: West Valley High School, Spokane, WA
Date: March 3rd - 5th , 2016
FRC Central Washington District Event:
Location: Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
Date: March 17th - 19th , 2016